Sep 8, 2008


Anniversaries are special to everyone; people usually celebrate this day in their own subjective ways. Some celebrate it as the day they got married, some sit in despair in alimony cases-divorced; teenagers find it as a reason to celebrate with that special one; a businessman may give out bonuses or pay hikes on occasion of his company’s anniversary; a father may feel emotionally overwhelmed at his son’s marriage anniversary and treat his grandchildren with his son’s childhood stories; an old man would wish that his children remember his marriage / birth anniversary, but he may be sitting isolated in his room at Second Innings House grieving his 3rd Anniversary there; a son may throw a surprise party for his parent’s silver anniversary, celebrating every single moment they have shared together; a mother who has gone through all the pain bringing her child to life celebrates everyday as an anniversary from that day onwards seeing her child grow; so on and so forth.

Every individual has his / her own way of manifesting their happiness, grief, jubilation, tribulation in their own unique and individual way, so do I. Not many people might have noticed or remembered including me that it’s been a year since I posted my first official blog. I wish myself Happy (Belated)Blogging Anniversary!

Footnote (I regard this as more of a confession):

I do not know, if I have achieved much in this one year as a blogger or as a writer (if I may dare to call myself one!), as this is just the fourth posting in an entire year. But then, if I come to think of all those thoughts and ideas which sprung in my mind on and after that day till date, I feel happy about it. What this has done to me is that I have taken into a habit of thinking every incident as piece in itself, helping me focusing more on the situation. There are many unfinished pieces in My Documents, either because of me falling short of words or missing the link or just procrastination which foiled the relevance of it. But still, the effort itself gives me an immense joy!

Someday I may complete these incomplete pieces and would be able to share with Whole Wide World.

Till then chow!

1 comment:

Winged Fantasy said...

Hello there!

Let me begin with wishing you a Happy anniversary. :-)
Your piece here gives one a glimpse of so many different situations, different emotions of different sets of people. :-)
Well written.

And yeah... post all those writings.... even if incomplete. incomplete stories have a life of their own. They have this ability to end in a way that always pleases the reader. :-)

Many more years of blogging to u!